2024 Presenters

Saturday, March 9, 2024

8-8:50 a.m.Registration and breakfast mixer
8:50-9Welcome, remarks: Dean Kate Mamiseishvili
9-10:15Keynote address: Mandy McDonald-Brashear, Vice President of Global People for Walmart
Morning Breakout Sessions
10:30-11:30Speaker: Eric Zenor. Topic: Performance-Based Instructional DesignSpeaker: Michelle Hargis Wolfe. Topic: Navigating the Nuance and Future of the Flexible Work EnvironmentSpeaker: Brennen Glover. Topic: The Death of HR and how Data will Lead to its Resurrection
11:30-noonOn-site lunch break sponsored by Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
Noon-2:30 p.m.World Cafe event — facilitated by Dr. Jim Maddox and Krissy Lewis — Facilitating Change from an Appreciative Inquiry Lens
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
2:40-3:40Speaker: Niki Avery. Topic: Power of PositivitySpeaker: Ashley Ingram. Topic: Focus on Employee Experience to Attract, Engage, Grow, and Retain EmployeesSpeaker: Mark Sanchez. Topic: Utilizing Tech and Digital Resources
Concluding Programs
3:45-5Eric Zenor — Integrating AI in L& D — an interactive workshop
5-6Networking Mixer — an evening of complementary hors d’oeuvres and networking. HRD doctoral students’ poster presentations